Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Symbol of Our Culture

America's history has a great deal of redundancy In It. Cost communicated her Irritation for how America began another pattern, utilizing flamingos, and utilized this pattern again and again until It lost significance. The image of the flamingo was utilized tediously until It lost Its Importance, and basically got exhausting. This class In Itself plainly troubled Price. From the beginning, Price's mentality communicated how she felt about the utilization of the flamingo.The title, â€Å"The Plastic Pink Flamingo,† could be taken in a couple various ways. Plastic is portraying the pink flamingo, yet plastic has two implications. It could mean plastic as in the material the flamingo is made out of, yet I think Price was aiming to utilize plastic as a statement with a double meaning and have plastic mean phony or shallow. This definition would speak to Price's mentality of how she thinks America is so shallow and debases objects, for example, the flamingo. Cost additionally utili zed an analogy to make an extraordinary visual of what she thought American culture was like.She contrasted our way of life with, â€Å"[being] like a line of semiotic sprouts. † She causes to notice this comparison by utilizing similar sounding word usages of â€Å"like a line,† and â€Å"semiotic grows. † It isn't actually a commendation to be contrasted with a plant, also how exhausting and uninteresting it is. This expression paints an image in our minds of sprouts desire staying there rambling endlessly. When contrasting this exhausting dull picture with America and our way of life, causes us understand Price's point exactly.Jennifer Price effectively depicted her assessments of the American culture all through this article by utilizing expression, for example, redundancy and playing close consideration word decision. The utilization of procedures like likenesses and similar sounding word usages likewise mirrored her tone of the article, â€Å"The Plastic Pink Flamingo. † A Symbol of Our Culture By Shelley Jennifer Price composed the article, â€Å"The Plastic Pink Flamingo' with expectations to get increase, one will in general get exhausted with the idea.Price proposed for the peruser to get exhausted and tired of perusing the word â€Å"pink† on the grounds that it reflects how America's history has a ton of redundancy in it. Cost communicated her bothering for how America began another pattern, utilizing flamingos, and utilized this pattern again and again until it lost significance. The image of the flamingo was utilized monotonously until it lost its significance, and basically got exhausting. This reality in itself unmistakably irritated Price. Simply staying there rambling endlessly. When contrasting this exhausting monotonous picture with

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