Thursday, February 20, 2020

Global Supply Chain Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Global Supply Chain Management - Assignment Example The firms that practice supply chain management experience considerable reductions in cost and cycle time (Li and Du, 2005, p. 279). For instance, Wal-Mart stores reported an increase in inventory turns, decline in out-of-stock occurrences along with a renewal cycle that has decreased from weeks to only hours as a consequence of an effective supply chain management. Even though supply chain management is simple to understand in theory, it develops more complexity with bigger companies and it variety of products, more global locations of the suppliers, customers as well as facilities responsible for distribution. Supply chain management is also complicated since companies may be components of more than one pipeline at a specific time (Fredendall and Hill, 2001, p. 4). As an example, the manufacturer of synthetic rubber may simultaneously be a part of the supply chain for tires, industrial products, mechanical parts, shoes and aircraft components among others. Key drivers of supply cha in performance in a complex environmentLambert (2008, p. 20) found out that the performance of a supply chain is dependent of a number of drivers: logistical and functional including facilities, inventory, transport and information. FacilitiesFacilities define the physical locations where commodities are produced or stored, where storage and production sites make up the main forms of facilities (Zanjirani Farahani, Rezapour and Kardar, 2012, p. 193). In the facilities, there is either processing or transformation.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Peers Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Peers Review - Essay Example s fulfil the assignment on the use of technology in education, the relationship between the statement and the course is related to the course theme and it makes a reasonable claim which is also arguable. This makes it a legible assignment. 2. Discuss the paper’s scope and focus. Does the introduction give enough contexts for the argument? Are there clear â€Å"boundaries† to what the author is discussing in the paper? Can you tell that the author is responding to a research question appropriately? In the introduction, can you see where the paper is going, and can you track the thesis throughout the paper? The scope of the paper is primarily on the effects of technologies on how students take their studies. It is very easy to follow on the student’s argument throughout the essay and it is related to the topic statement. The flow of the paper is also seamless 3. How does the paper flow? Are the author’s points easy to follow? Are there any places where the author could make stronger transitions between points? Do the paragraph breaks make sense? Is the author relating individual points to one another—AND back to the thesis? Does every paragraph in this paper follow from the thesis? The flow of the paper is also seamless. The points are easy to follow and the paragraphs breaks make reason. This makes the points to relate to one another easily. The conclusion on the essay is also well formatted with the author referencing to the papers thesis. The author can make the conclusion more captivating to the reader through better examples 4. Does the author provide a conclusion with an effective restatement of the paper’s thesis? Does the conclusion end the paper on a convincing note? Do you have ideas about ways the author might make the conclusion more interesting to the reader? 5. Discuss the author’s use of evidence from research sources. Is the author using reliable sources, or are any of the sources potentially unreliable? Are there places where more