Thursday, December 26, 2019

I Don t Agree With Lukianoff And Haidt s Position On...

I don t agree with Lukianoff and Haidt s position on student-driven movements arising on campuses, for a few reasons. In my current collegiate experience, there doesn t seem to be a movement trying to get rid of the offensive material. In fact, the offensive material around campus seems to travel rampantly. For example, I can hear many obscenities being shouted in the halls on a consistent basis. I would describe vindictive protectiveness in a campus context as an unconscious impulse to chastise anyone who would create an environment that arouses tension in another individual by their actions or words. I have not witnessed this type of behavior from other students or from campus groups within the college. In fact, I think this type of behavior is very rarely seen. My thoughts are that speech censorship has an impact on students depression and anxiety. Anxiety already causes fear and nervousness, so if people are expected to watch what they say, there s no doubting that it will exacerbate it even more. Additionally, depression and anxiety are two mental illnesses that enjoy each other s company, forming a crippling combo. When students are not able to express themselves without fear of vindictive protectiveness, issues are sure to arise. When the authors refer to free-range childhood, they most likely mean the time when baby boomers and Gen Xers remember riding their bicycles around their hometown, unchaperoned by adults. I agree with their conclusion that

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Process Of Interpersonal Communication - 994 Words

Provisionalism in My World The skill I am going to discuss is provisionalism. According to Interplay, the Process of Interpersonal Communication provisionalism means â€Å"a supportive style of communication in which a sender expresses open-mindness to others ideas and opinions† (G-9). Open-mindness as is willingness to consider new ideas. I think provisionalism means to create a positive conversation that will not turn off the other party and encourages an open mind. Gibb notes in Interplay, the Process of Interpersonal Communication that â€Å"provisionalism surfaces through words such as perhaps, maybe, might, possibly and may† (p331). In learning about this skill I can improve my word choices to connect with people that I may have turned off by not using provisionalism. In open mindness a person will listen to another opinion even though they have already made up their mind. When using Provisionalism you create a more positive conversation by avoiding statements of certainty. Both parties will usually be more apt to continue conversation and are more likely to consider another’s point of view. Gibb notes: One reduces the defensiveness of the listener when one communicates that one is willing to experiment with one s own behavior, attitudes and ideas. The person who appears to be taking provisional attitudes, to be investigating issues rather than taking sides on them, to be problem solving rather than doubting, and to be willing to experiment and explore tends toShow MoreRelatedInterpersonal Communication And The Communication Process Essay2107 Words   |  9 Pagesconducted interpersonal communication process research, they have utilized social psychological concepts as the points of reference. Speculations pertinent to such areas as individual perception, social exchanges, and interpersonal balance have much of the time been utilized as systems from which to infer testable theories about the process of interpersonal communication. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Joyce Travelbee Nursing Theory Biography

Question: Discuss about theJoyce Travelbee for Biography. Answer: Joyce Travelbee was an American psychiatric nurse born in 1926, and she is known for her work as a nursing theorist. In 1956, Joyce completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Louisiana State University, and in 1959 she earned a Master of Science Degree in Nursing from Yale University (Petiprin, 2016). At the age of 47, Joyce enrolled for her doctoral program in Florida in 1973, but she never lived to finish it as she passed on later that year after a brief sickness (Southern Luzon State University - College of Allied Medicine , 2008). While taking her bachelors degree, in 1952, she served as an instructor at Depaul Hospital Affiliate School in New Orleans. In this capacity, she primarily focused on psychiatric nursing. Other institutions in which Joyce taught psychiatric nursing included the University of Mississippi, New York University, and Charity Hospital School of Nursing of Louisiana State University (Delph, 2011). She began publish nursing journals and articles in 1963. Later on, she developed the Human-to-Human Relationship Model of Nursing, which she presented in her 1961 book entitled Interpersonal Aspects of Nursing (Alligood, 2014). The model was based on her belief that the profession called for a humanistic revolution and that compassion ought to be central to nursing. This conclusion was derived from her claim that the institutions she had worked had lacked compassion (Travelbee, 1966). In 1969, she authored her second book known as Intervention in Psychiatric Nursing: A One-To-One Relationship. As from 1970, till the time of her death, Travelbee served as theProject Director of Graduate Education at Louisiana State University School of Nursing (Petiprin, 2016). The theory she developed has lived on regardless of her premature death. The theory still influences the nursing profession, healthcare and the hospice movement as a whole. References Alligood, M. R. (2014). Nursing Theorists and Their Work. Philadelphia: Elsevier Health Sciences. Delph, C. B. (2011). Joyce Travelbee: Human-to-Human Relationship Model. Tennessee: East Tennessee State University. Petiprin, A. (2016). Joyce Travelbee - Nursing Theorist. Retrieved from Nursing Theory: Southern Luzon State University - College of Allied Medicine . (2008, september 4). JOYCE TRAVELBEE (Human-to-Human Relationship Model ). Retrieved from SLSU-COAM: Travelbee, J. (1966). Interpersonal Aspects of Nursing. F.A. Davis: Philadelphia.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Psychological And Physical Aspects Of Drug Abuse In Today&#

The Psychological And Physical Aspects Of Drug Abuse In TodayS Adolescence The psychological and physical aspects of drug abuse in todays adolescence Unfortunately the abuse of illegal drugs is not uncommon in todays adolescent communities. Many teenagers today use illicit drugs as a way to deal with everyday pressures such as school, after school jobs, sports activities, domestic violence and peer pressure. Adolescence has been found to be a period of weakening bonds with parents and strengthening bonds with peers (Flay, 1994). Numerous states have experienced an increase in drug related deaths ( More than 1 in 10 of todays youth aged 12-17 were current users of drugs in 1999 ( The number of young adults aged 18 to 25 using illicit drugs in 1999 was at a high of 17.1 percent ( In this paper I will describe some of the most popular drugs in todays adolescent communities and why the use of illegal drugs is most common between the ages of 12 through 25. I will also describe what the tell-tale signs are in a person with a drug problem and how you can he lp. Among high school and college students, the drug marijuana is most frequently used in America today. Marijuana is a tobacco-like substance that varies in its potency, depending on the source and selection of plant materials used ( Marijuana is usually smoked in the form of loosely rolled cigarettes called joints, hollowed out commercial cigars called blunts and in water pipes called bongs. Street names for Marijuana include pot, grass, cannabis, weed, Mary Jane, Acapulco Gold, dope, and reefer. When Marijuana is smoked, THC goes quickly into the blood through the lungs. It then goes to the brain and this is when the high is felt. This can happen within a few minutes and can last up to five hours. There are many reasons why some children and young teens start smoking marijuana. One of the main reasons is because there may be a close family member or friend that may pressure them to try it. Other times, it is because they think it is cool to use marijuana due to societal pressures; they hear songs about it on the radio and see it on TV and in movies. Whether its from TV, movies, or music, young people are receiving too many mixed messages about marijuana says Donna E. Shalala, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (Sora, 1997, page 69). According to one study, marijuana use by teenagers who have prior anti-social problems can quickly lead to dependence of the drug (T.J Crowley, 1998, page 57). Statements such as everybody is doing it or it will make you feel good highly influence middle school and high school students. Usually at the time that the drug is being offered, potential users do not think about the harm this drug can cause in the future. Marijuana is also very p opular in todays community because adolescents are turned off by the harder drugs and believe that pot is not a gateway drug that may lead to more lethal substances (Sora, 1997, page 71). While marijuana users do not move on to harder drugs, smoking weed does increase a teens chances of being exposed, according to the National Institute of Drug abuse in Washington, D.C (Sora, 1997, page 71). So why do teens smoke marijuana? After many case studies and psychological theories curiosity is often the most logical reason. Ecstasy the common name for MethyleneDioxyMethAmphetamine. Ecstasy (E) is a synthetic drug usually sold as small tablets, which come in a variety of colors and sizes. It is also available as a powder and can be snorted or injected. The effects of ecstasy depend on various factors, individually: the amount taken, the users experience with the drug and their expectations ( The effects of ecstasy can also depend on the quality and purity of the drug, starting about an hour after being taken and lasting up to six hours. Ecstasy may also produce a hangover effect. Like marijuana, adolescents use ecstasy because of peer pressure. Many teens turn to this drug because it is as an escape from a variety of problems that they might be experiencing at home or in school.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Four Tips For Successful Web Writing

Four Tips For Successful Web Writing Four Tips For Successful Web Writing Four Tips For Successful Web Writing By Sharon If you want people to read your web content, you have to make it appeal to them. Heres how to do it. First, pick a great title or a good one. A good title is one that tells the reader what your article or post is about. You can use humor or you can play it straight, as long as you inform the reader. Titles with number in them tend to do well. A good title, like a good article, answers the whats in it for me question for readers. Next, talk to your readers as if theyre sitting in the same room. Use the word you liberally, as you were if you were talking to someone. Good web writing is like having a conversation with the person who is reading it. Your writing voice will be a bit like your speaking voice let your personality show. Write short, clear sentences. Make it easy for people to understand what youre talking about. The web audience is international, and not everyone speaks English as a first language. So when you write, avoid jargon and obscure language and provide examples to illustrate your points. Summarize. Use bulleted lists to help people understand the essentials of your topic. Its the old rule: tell them, then tell them what youve told them. Heres a recap. Four ways to write a good web article are to: Pick a good title. Address your readers directly. Keep sentences short and clear. Provide a summary. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them)Among vs. AmongstWhile vs. Whilst

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ulysses S Grant at the Battle of Shiloh

Ulysses S Grant at the Battle of Shiloh General Ulysses Grant’s overwhelming victories at Forts Henry and Donelson in February 1862 caused the withdrawal of Confederate forces not only from the State of Kentucky but also from most of Western Tennessee. Brigadier General Albert Sidney Johnston positioned his forces, numbered at 45,000 troops, at and around Corinth, Mississippi. This location was an important transportation center since it was a junction for both the Mobile Ohio and Memphis Charleston railroads, often referred to as the crossroads of the Confederacy. General Johnston Dies During a Sneak Attack By April 1862, Major General Grant’s Army of Tennessee had grown to nearly 49,000 soldiers. They needed a rest, so Grant made camp on the western side of the Tennessee River at Pittsburg Landing while he was awaiting re-enforcements and also training soldiers who had no battle experience. Grant was also planning with Brigadier General William T. Sherman for their attack on the Confederate Army at Corinth, Mississippi. Further, Grant was waiting for the Army of Ohio to arrive, commanded by Major General Don Carlos Buell.   Instead of sitting and waiting at Corinth, General Johnston had moved his Confederate troops near Pittsburg Landing. On the morning of April 6, 1862, Johnston made a surprise attack against Grant’s Army pushing their backs up against the Tennessee River. Around 2:15 p.m. that day, Johnston was shot behind his right knee and  died within an hour. Before his death, Johnston sent his personal physician to treat injured Union soldiers. There is speculation that Johnston didn’t feel the injury to his right knee due to numbness from a wound to his pelvis that he suffered from a duel fought during the Texas War for Independence in 1837. Grants Counter Attack The Confederate forces were now led by General Pierre G.T. Beauregard. Though Grants forces were believed to be vulnerable, Beauregard made what would prove to be an unwise decision to cease fighting near dusk of that first day. That evening, Major General Buell and his 18,000 soldiers finally arrived at Grant’s camp near Pittsburg’s Landing. In the morning, Grant made his counter-attack against the Confederate forces resulting in a major victory for the Union Army. In addition, Grant and Sherman forged a close friendship on the Shiloh battlefield that remained with them throughout the Civil War and arguably led to the ultimate victory by Union at the end of this conflict.   Battle of Shiloh The Battle of Shiloh is probably one of the most significant battles of the Civil War. In addition to losing the battle, the Confederacy suffered a loss that may have cost them the war- Brigadier General Albert Sidney Johnston’s death that happened on the first day of the battle. History has considered General Johnston to have been the Confederacy’s most able commander at the time of his death – Robert E. Lee was not a field commander at this time- as Johnston had been a career military officer with over 30 years of active experience. By the end of the war, Johnston would be the highest ranking officer killed on either side.   The Battle of Shiloh was the deadliest battle in the history of the U.S. up until that time with casualties that exceeded a total of 23,000 for both sides. After the Battle of Shiloh, it was quite clear to Grant that the only way to defeat the Confederacy would be to destroy their armies. Grant Excels Despite His Alcoholism Although Grant received both praise and criticism for his actions leading up to and during the Battle of Shiloh, Major General Henry Halleck removed Grant from command of the Army of the Tennessee and transferred command to Brigadier General George H. Thomas. Halleck based his decision partially on allegations of alcoholism on the part of Grant and promoted Grant to the position of being second-in-command of the western armies, which essentially removed Grant from being an active field commander. Grant wanted to command, and he was ready to resign and walk away until Sherman convinced him otherwise. After Shiloh, Halleck made a snail crawl to Corinth, Mississippi taking 30 days to move his army 19 miles and in the process allowed the entire Confederate force stationed there just to walk away. Needless to say, Grant was returned to his position of commanding the Army of the Tennessee and Halleck became the Union’s general-in-chief. This means that Halleck moved away from the front and became a bureaucrat whose major responsibility was the coordination of all Union forces in the field. This was a key decision as Halleck was able to excel in this position and work well with Grant as they continued to fight the Confederacy.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Effect of Technology on Workplace Privacy Essay

Effect of Technology on Workplace Privacy - Essay Example As the masses became cognisant of the consequences followed by the increasing attacks to individual's privacy in the workplace owing to the development in surveillance technology, the demand for legal demarcation strengthened and eventually several laws were created by the government to curtail and confine the scope of the surveillance technology to accomplish only the legitimate objectives of the employers. Although, these laws have been developed by most of the countries to protect the rights of both the employers and the employees in particular, yet there has been an ongoing debate on the compatibility of unravelling surveillance technology with the laws and legal boundaries confining the scope of intrusion into an employees' privacy. Therefore the major issue concerning this essay is the extent to which the advancement into workplace surveillance technology is consistent with the laws and what could be done to bring it to the level proposed by the different laws and legal authorities. The surveillance in the workplace has existed in historical era in the same manner, as it seems to be prevailing in the modern times. However, the major difference remains in the introduction and development of different forms of technology that have further assisted the way to introduce more and more sensitive surveillance in the organisation. ... Consequently, the employees or the labour force could not be capable of putting all of their efforts into the organisational goals, however they kept on selling their services to the employers and organisations on agreed terms and conditions. Hence, their happened to be direct and physical surveillance on the part of the employers influencing the employee motivation and work behaviour. According to Rushing (1966), due to such acts in the past, the employers never became aware of the fact that they could have gained more by driving their motivation towards work. However, this was the initial form of developing surveillance in the workplace by the employers and this trend remained prevalent throughout the 20th century. By the end of the 21st century, the technology took a rapid progression and the workers continued to fall prey of the new development in technology affecting the workplace environment with regard to privacy and convenience. The new advancements into technology result into change in working as well as surveillance needs and as a new innovation in technology takes place, the perceptions and conceptions concerning the surveillance at workplace also change. Therefore, the level and intensity of workplace surveillance alter with the development and advancement of technology. SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGY, WORKPLACE PRIVACY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK The recent rise in the surveillance activities on the part of the employers both positively and negatively have constantly been attributed to the world's continuous advancement in technology. Unique and modern measures keep on evolving regularly to facilitate the employers in keeping an eye over the employees and their activities. The use of technology in workplace surveillance

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mixed method methodology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mixed method methodology - Assignment Example Integrating quantitative and qualitative methods capitalizes on the strengths of each approach, and offsets their different weaknesses. Use of complementary paradigms promote corroboration of a research study, expand a set of results, or even discover something that would have been missed otherwise.Qualitative research explores the richness, depth, and complexity of phenomena. They aid in gaining critical insights, and unravel latent meanings by improving our comprehension of the whole. Interpretivism is the backbone of qualitative research.Quantitative research is generally used to investigate research questions. An array of possible quantitative research designs can be applied. However, in areas like sociology, where it is difficult to do pure experimental research, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental designs can be adapted.Research results have greater objectivity and credibility. Researcher’s bias can be eliminated. Data collection is structured, precise and quick. Re search findings can be generalized if sufficiently large populations are sampled during data collection. Testing and the validating hypothesis is simpler and follows mathematical frameworks. Examples of quantitative research abound in marketing, finance, trend analysis and co-relational studies. For instance, studying the effect of a drug or treatment could follow tightly controlled experimental methodology; whereas, studying the effect of some disease on age, gender, life style would require co-relational approach. Abundant literature on quantitative research is available, (Sibanda, 2009) provides a comprehensive review. Key considerations for mixed method design for research study: Johnson and Onwuegbuzie (2004) articulate two typologies: mixed-model designs; and mixed-method designs. The authors contend that, mixed-model designs can be constructed by mixing qualitative and quantitative approaches within, and across the stages of research viz.: problem definition, data collection, and analyzing-interpreting data. Mixed-method design on the other hand, the authors opine, are based on the crossing of paradigm emphasis, and time ordering of quantitative and qualitative phases. How much of the qualitative-quantitative mix, and at what stages of research, are a few key dimensions for mixed-method research model. Caracelli & Greene (1997) proposed following framework for consideration of mixed-method approach in research study: Design Description Triangulation Different methods used concurrently, preferably with equal priority, to assess same phenomena toward convergence and increased validity Expansion Different methods used for different phenomena; can be sequential or concurrent, equal or unequal priority, with paradigm assumptions important or

Sunday, November 17, 2019

European Colonists and Their Viciousness Essay Example for Free

European Colonists and Their Viciousness Essay William Penn was one example of a leading colonist that maintained good relations with the Native Americans. There were other leaders that did likewise. However, most of the European colonists didn’t follow this pattern as John Winthrop or Hernando Cortez. These leaders mistreated the Native Americans and used them like objects. One of the reasons that made some Europeans abuse of the Native Americans was that they didn’t think of the Native Americans as humans but more as animals or savages. Therefore, they thought they could do anything of them and even kill them if they needed to. That was true for the English colonists who saw the Native Americans the same way they saw the Irish. For this reason, they would exploit them and use them as slaves. They even destroyed their villages and kidnapped their children for vengeance. One thing that the English colonists didn’t do that differentiated them from the Spaniards was that they didn’t reproduce with the Native Americans because they saw it as reproducing with an animal. Yet, this wasn’t the only reason of this behavior among the Native Americans. Another reason for which the colonists took advantage of the Native Americans was power. At this time, power was very important for everybody. The amount of power you had leaded your life. Of course, when someone had power, he always wanted more and that was so for the kings and queens. When Christopher Columbus told Queen Isabella that the Tainos were weak, innocent and that it would be easy to control them, the queen saw a good opportunity of expanding her power in America and improving her wealth. She decided that she would make slaves out of the Native Americans and that she would impose them her religion. Of course anyone who would resist would be killed. This is how slavery started in America. Another cause of this behavior was gold. Multiple trips to America had for goal to find gold. The European colonists thought that, now that they found this new land, they would be able to reap the benefits of the gold resting on it. However, when the colonists arrived, the Native Americans were already there with the gold. But the colonists had evil interests; once they saw gold, they would be able to do anything to get it. That is what happened with the â€Å"conquistador† Hernando Cortez and his army when they arrived to Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs’ capital. When they saw this city, they got bewitched by the gold used to build it. This obsession led to the revolution of the Aztecs against the â€Å"conquistadores†. The battle ended with most of the Aztecs killed including their chief. The last source of the colonists’ viciousness was their territories. When America was first discovered by Christopher Columbus, all the European countries fought to extend their lands. However, the Native Americans were an obstacle for the expansion of their colonization. The countries thought that the lands belonged to all different tribes of Native Americans. Therefore, the only way to get the lands was to take over the Native Americans and take possessions of their lands. This is again an example of Hernando Cortez’s conquest of America for Spain. When he arrived in America, Hernando killed every Native American tribe he found on his way to then claim their lands to Spain. The only reason he didn’t kill some of them was to have better chances to defeat the Aztecs. But Cortez wasn’t the only colonist to do this to Native Americans and some might have been even crueler than he had. In conclusion, the Europeans didn’t follow the pattern of good relations with Native Americans as William Penn and other European leaders because of dehumanization, power, gold and land. These are the four facts that most of the European colonists thought were worth killing a very important amount of innocent people and that caused them to offer viciousness instead of kindness to the Native Americans who hadn’t done anything wrong to them.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Drunk Bus Driver And A Bad A :: essays research papers

Sometimes, even from the most unsuspecting people wonderful and profound messages can originate. This is the story of one such incident when much could be learned from a person like that. On the way to school one day, this kid named Patrick went around telling everyone that he had some beer in his lunch box. Now in the 9th grade, this topic of conversation is new and exciting. He was the center of attention, and was enjoying it immensely. We all knew he didn’t have any in there, but it was still fun to talk like he did. In all the commotion we failed to realize that the bus had come to a stop on the side of the road. We finally realized what was happening, and as the bus driver made her way through the aisle, you could see kids shoving paper balls in their bags, and sitting on batteries and rocks, which they were throwing out the window. The bus was unusually silent as the bus driver, Bertha we called her, waded her way through the narrow seats. Kids visibly squished as close as possible to the windows, some in an attempt to hide something, others just out of fear that the may inadvertently come into contact with the beast coming through. Bertha was 7 feet tall, and appeared to be one of those ex-weight lifters, that had been on steroids for most of their adult life. Her neck was bigger than that of football players, and her arms resembled those of the body builders sometimes on ESPN. Her gut brought thoughts of the worlds strongest man competition to mind. She was big, and no one, not even Superman, or Batman could get away with messing with her. To us she might as well have been dressed in some military uniform, carrying a leather riding-crop. The fear kept us in line most of the time. She strode right up to Patrick, and halted just short of him. Not a word was exchanged for a full minute, the two just looked at each other, a battle of wits. Patrick was the first to speak. "Waddaya want?" he said with a sneer. "What’s in the box Patrick?" she thundered, as if the voice of God. "None of your business!" He retorted. He was "dead", what was going wrong in his head, she had at least two feet on him, and her arms could crush him like a worm in pliers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Half the Sky

As we read â€Å"Half the Sky† we were able to get a taste of how difficult the lives were for the women that were a part of these terrible doings to women. Coming from a family in which the majority is women, I cannot bare to see any women put in the situations that these women were put in; the daunting thing about the whole situation is that these heinous acts still exist today. As for the question, why is the desperate state of women in impoverished cultures also a great opportunity for them?This question is a very odd question because in the end there really is no good outcome to any of this. Too many women in these impoverished cultures they barely had enough money to put slippers on their feet. The brothels were many women were abducted and forced to do work by labor or sex is also a place where some of these women actually volunteered to work at. â€Å"Despite the knowing the knowledge of what actually occurs to women in these brothels, some women were so desperate for money that they voluntarily went in the brothel’s to work†.The fact is, is that these women’s backs were against the walls financially, mentally, and physically, some felt the only way out was to work and make money. Even though they knew what happens in these brothels. The fact that these types of things still exists baffles me every day. To actually think that in this day and age people still do things like this. One day hopefully sooner than later we will wake up and not be concerned about any of this.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Designing an Office Space Essay

Designing a new office space for a law firm requires careful consideration and planning. Not only must the space be esthetically pleasing, but must function well for those who work within it. In addition, there are many other considerations that must be addressed. Among them are what type of space to choose, budgetary constraints, room for expansion, and technology. CHOOSING A SPACE The old adage in real estate goes â€Å"location, location, location.† This also holds true when considering a space for your firm. In our fact pattern the supervising attorney has two choices. The first is a shared space with five other solo practitioners. The second is a suite of offices that are located adjacent to a mid-sized firm. I would recommend to the supervising attorney that we choose the suite of offices. We would be given the opportunity and space to expand as our firm grows. Also, by locating ourselves adjacent to a mid-sized firm, we position ourselves to appear as a larger firm than what we are. This can help to create a positive first impression the first time clients visit the office. If we were to position ourselves within an office with five other practitioners, it would be less apparent to clients that we were running our own firm. BUDGETARY CONCERNS Although leasing as individual office space is often more expensive than sharing space with other attorney’s, I believe the firm would benefit from having its own space for several reasons. Image, along with reputation, is a key factor when a client chooses a firm. We want to convey to clients that we are a successful firm and having our own space will help to convey that. Also, sharing an office space with attorneys who practice other areas of law could lead to an uncomfortable environment or situation for our clients. A woman coming to see her divorce attorney may feel uncomfortable sharing a waiting room with a man, possibly charged with a violent crime, waiting to see his criminal defense attorney. EXPANSION PLANS By selecting to lease a suite of offices to use rather than a shared space, we afford ourselves the opportunity and space to expand. As the firm grows and takes on additional partners, we will need to increase our office space to accommodate both the attorney as well as support staff. Below is a sample layout for a sole practitioner law firm that I have designed with expansion in mind. When the time comes to expand, we can take over the adjacent office to create a space that closely mirrors the original space. By utilizing a single hallway between offices we increase efficiency and when we expand we can create a horseshoe shaped walk way within the office. AMENITIES The space will have many features and amenities that will enhance the client experience while increasing productivity. The reception area will have multiple seating areas. Large, oversized sofas will provide a comfortable place for clients to wait until they are seen. Small coffee tables will be available for clients to use to work from. A small buffet with coffee, tea, and pastries will be available for clients to enjoy. Each of these things will provide a positive first impression for the client as well as a comfortable experience. Both the attorney as well as the legal assistant will have private offices which will be adjacent to each other. This provides a way for them to communicate effectively as well as collaborate on cases as needed. The attorney’s office shall be sufficiently large enough to house reference materials and books in large custom bookshelves. The legal assistant’s office will also have bookshelves as well as file cabinets for storage. Attorneys will have a small room designated strictly for meeting with clients. This allows the attorney to meet with a client outside of their personal workspace. The client meeting room will feature a table that seats six people comfortably. Since one of our areas of practice is family law, the room will have a small armoire in which children’s toys can be stored for times when the client brings small children with them. A large conference room will be created for depositions and general meetings. It will have a large table capable of seating at least ten people. There will also be additional room available for a court reporter to record depositions. The conference room will be located across the hall for convenience to both the attorney and legal assistant. Additionally, the office will have several rooms dedicated to specific functions. There will be a copy room with an adjacent supply room. The copy room will house a copier as well as a fax and scanner. Locating the supply room adjacent to the copy room will create easy access for copy room supplies. A large break room with kitchen will allow the firm to have an area for caterers to set up in if we are having a large function. It will also serve as a lunch area or break room for staff. An I.T. room will house all of our computer servers as well as central phone equipment. The office will also have a large room dedicated to file storage. Inside the file storage room we will utilize fire resistant file cabinets to protect records. TECHNOLOGY Part of conveying a positive and successful image to clients will be the use of the latest available technologies within the office. The firm will adopt software that allows for cloud computing. This will allow both the attorney and the legal assistant to access information from both inside the office as well as outside. Wi-Fi will be provided in the office to facilitate the use of iPads and laptops. This will allow staff to take their laptop or iPad room to room during the course of their workday as they move from case to case. CONCLUSION Every decision that is made in the planning stages of designing a firm’s office layout can have both good and bad consequences. It is extremely important to give careful thought to how the space is laid out and how those who work in the space will utilize it. It is my belief that the plans laid out above would provide a way to achieve the firms goals of putting forth a positive and successful image, provide a path to expansion, as well as provide a space that will maximize efficiency and productivity. REFERENCES Roper, B.D. (2006). Practical Law Office Management. New York, NY: Thompson Delmar Learning.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

James Ritty and the Invention of the First Cash Register

James Ritty and the Invention of the First Cash Register James Ritty was an inventor who owned several saloons, including one in Dayton, Ohio. In 1878, while traveling on a steamboat trip to Europe, Ritty was fascinated by an apparatus that counted how many times the ships propeller went around. He began to contemplate whether or not a similar mechanism could be made to record the cash transactions made at his saloons. Five years later, Ritty and John Birch received a patent for inventing the cash register. Ritty then invented what was nicknamed the Incorruptible Cashier or the first working  mechanical cash register. His invention also featured that familiar bell sound referred to in advertising as The Bell Heard Round the World.   While working as a saloonkeeper, Ritty also opened a small factory in Dayton to manufacture his cash registers. The company did not prosper and by 1881, Ritty became overwhelmed with the responsibilities of running two businesses and decided to sell all his interests in the cash register business. National Cash Register Company After reading a description of the cash register designed by Ritty and sold by the National Manufacturing Company, John H. Patterson decided to buy both the company and the patent. He renamed the company the National Cash Register Company in 1884. Patterson improved the cash register by adding a paper roll to record sales transactions. Later on, there were other improvements. Inventor and businessman Charles F. Kettering  designed a cash register with an electric motor in 1906 while working at the National Cash Register Company. He later worked at General Motors and invented an electric self-starter (ignition) for a Cadillac. Today, the NCR Corporation operates  as  a computer hardware, software and electronics company that makes  self-service kiosks, point-of-sale terminals, automated teller machines, processing systems, barcode scanners  and business consumables. They also provide IT maintenance support services. NCR, formerly based in Dayton, Ohio, moved to Atlanta in 2009. The headquarters was located in unincorporated  Gwinnett County, Georgia, with several locations throughout the United States and Canada.  The companys headquarters is now based in Duluth, Georgia.   The Remainder of James  Rittys Life James Ritty opened another saloon  called the Pony House in 1882. For his latest saloon, Ritty commissioned wood carvers from  Barney and Smith Car Company  to turn 5,400 pounds of  Honduras  mahogany  into a bar. The bar was 12 feet tall and 32 feet wide. The initials JR were put into the middle and the saloons interior  was built so that the left and right sections looked like the interior of a passenger railcar, featuring giant mirrors set back about a foot with curved, hand-tooled leather covered elements at the top and curved bezel mirror-encrusted sections on each side. The Pony House saloon was torn down in 1967, but the bar was saved and today is showcased as the bar at Jays Seafood in Dayton. Ritty retired from the saloon business in 1895. He died of heart trouble while at home. He is entombed with his wife Susan and his brother John at Daytons  Woodland Cemetery.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

About the Balfour Declaration of 1917

About the Balfour Declaration of 1917 The Balfour Declaration was a November 2, 1917 letter from British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Lord Rothschild that made public the British support of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Balfour Declaration led the League of Nations to entrust the United Kingdom with the Palestine Mandate in 1922. Background The Balfour Declaration was a product of years of careful negotiation. After centuries of living in a diaspora, the 1894 Dreyfus Affair in France shocked Jews into realizing they would not be safe from arbitrary antisemitism unless they had their own country. In response, Jews created the new concept of political Zionism in which it was believed that through active political maneuvering, a Jewish homeland could be created. Zionism was becoming a popular concept by the time World War I began. World War I and Chaim Weizmann During World War I, Great Britain needed help. Since Germany (Britains enemy during WWI) had cornered the production of acetone- an important ingredient for arms production- Great Britain may have lost the war if Chaim Weizmann had not invented a fermentation process that allowed the British to manufacture their own liquid acetone. It was this fermentation process that brought Weizmann to the attention of David Lloyd George (Minister of Ammunitions) and Arthur James Balfour (previously the Prime Minister but at this time the First Lord of the Admiralty). Chaim Weizmann was not just a scientist; he was also the leader of the Zionist Movement. Diplomacy Weizmanns contact with Lloyd George and Balfour continued, even after Lloyd George became prime minister and Balfour was transferred to the Foreign Office in 1916. Additional Zionist leaders such as Nahum Sokolow also pressured Great Britain to support a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Although Balfour, himself, was in favor of a Jewish state, Great Britain particularly favored the declaration as an act of policy. Britain wanted the United States to join World War I and the British hoped that by supporting a Jewish homeland in Palestine, the world Jewish community would be able to sway the U.S. to join the war. Announcing the Balfour Declaration Though the Balfour Declaration went through several drafts, the final version was issued on November 2, 1917, in a letter from Balfour to Lord Rothschild, president of the British Zionist Federation. The main body of the letter quoted the decision of the October 31, 1917, British Cabinet meeting. This declaration was accepted by the League of Nations on July 24, 1922, and embodied in the mandate that gave Great Britain temporary administrative control of Palestine. The White Paper In 1939, Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration by issuing the White Paper, which stated that creating a Jewish state was no longer a British policy. It was also Great Britains change in policy toward Palestine, especially the White Paper, that prevented millions of European Jews to escape from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine before and during the Holocaust. The Balfour Declaration Foreign OfficeNovember 2nd, 1917Dear Lord Rothschild,I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majestys Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.His Majestys Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.Yours sincerely,Arthur James Balfour

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Projectd Mangement Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Projectd Mangement - Case Study Example If another individual takes the responsibility of overlooking the project and taking its name under himself, it can pose as a problem between the two individuals. The person who is taking the responsibility of the project can go to any lengths to make the other person work, external pressure from that person can make the project manager undertake a lot of decisions which the manager never intended to take. Due to this, the project manager also has to be answerable to all the resulting problems with the other person sitting at the corner. Therefore, considering all the above communicational problems, I would not have taken the project if someone else in the team referred to my project as their baby. 2. The biggest moral and ethical issue that Gary is facing in this situation is hiding the facts from the whole team and specially the customer who in this case is the Lord's Corporation. In order to get the contract, the company official ordered Gary to lie about the temperature specifications of the raw materials, convincing him by saying that they can later ask the customer change the specifications when they win the contract. Keeping an open communication flow between the people related to the project and the stakeholders is the prime responsibility of a project manager (Heerkeens, 2001). ... 3. Gary Anderson was awarded the position of the project manager for the Blue Spider Project. Undertaking his responsibilities, he had to report to the director of program management and his major responsibility was that of cost handling, time management and administration. Gary was chosen to become the Project manager because Gable wanted an expert in the Technical department so that he can get all the help about the R&D from that person. Also, the biggest responsibility as a project manager was the ability to communicate verbally and nonverbally, the ability to motivate people. With time, as matters worsened, Gary took the responsibility of undertaking minutes of the meeting and all the undergoing of the project. Also, since his area of expertise was engineering and not administration, he was more focused on the R&D and was giving away his responsibility of cutting down costs, communicating with other departments and the customer; in short administrative responsibilities were negle cted by him, which were his prime responsibility. 4. The functional employees of the customer and contractor should be allowed to certain standards and levels and not all the way. The reason for is that there should be a level of transparency and co-operation and trust between the two parties which can make huge projects work. Too much work can make the workers feel that their personal space to work is being invaded and can hamper their performance. However, in order to keep a fair level of transparency and accountability on the part of the workers, the functional workers should be allowed to communicate without the formal to some extent. 5. A

Friday, November 1, 2019

Photographers of the Mixed Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Photographers of the Mixed Media - Essay Example It can be stated, however, that the main genre of her photos, produced with a means of combined media, is a child’s portrait. Many researchers insist on rich theoretical and practical backgrounds of her production, widely ranged from Renaissance (Bronzino), Baroque (Velasquez), Romanticism (Ruge and Friedrich) to Victorian (Carroll) sources of her works. After the brief introduction into her working methodologies and using of mixed media (i.e. combination of painting, analogue photo, and digital manipulation), we need to discuss them on a more solid basis, long before the discussion of how this influenced her work in terms of narrative and perception. ... Then, as it were mentioned constantly by the researchers, she used to exploit in her works a combination of painting, analogue photo techniques, and digital manipulation.  «In fact, Ms. Lux has carefully costumed and photographed her subjects and, after scanning the image, dropped the figures into a separately scanned background often taken from one of her paintings ». (Tully, 2005) So, Lux used analogue technoque firstly, and, getting the figures, dropped them into a seprately scanned background secondly, (i.e. digital manipulation) which is taken from her own paintings. Specifically, her paintings and analogue photos become the main sources for an appropriation, gitting scanned and ultimately combined with a means of Photoshop (for example,  «... Levels control to give the children and their settings a distinctive pallor). (Woodward, 2004) Ultimately, from a point of narration and perception, it should be stated that works of Loretta Lux are organized very well in a classic m anner. Using many old masters as her citation field, she managed to create an atmosphere of mystery. Being mediated by a wide range of techniques, both analogue and digital, and assisted by using of mixed media, her surrealistic children sitting on a sofa of eternity provoke a reader to find an answer to a riddle of absolute in a broad set of interpretations. Paul Shambroom Describing the working methodologies of given photographers, we must begin from the biographical details, then going to a discussion of the chosen formats – analogue, digital or both. Afterwards, are to give our explanations on how this has influenced the works in terms of narrative and perception. Primarily,

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Is job satisfaction a singular uni-dimentional concept discuss Essay

Is job satisfaction a singular uni-dimentional concept discuss - Essay Example The level of employee job satisfaction within an organization is very important because it affects the performance of the organization (Ostroff, 1992). Job satisfaction has been positively correlated with job involvement, organizational commitment and job performance and negatively correlated with employee absenteeism, turnover and perceived stress (Spector, 1997). Therefore, an assessment of the nature of job satisfaction, and whether it is uni-dimensional or multi-dimensional, is helpful in evaluating which motivational methods are most likely to be effective in advancing organizational goals.One of the best known expectancy theories is the VIE Model put forward by Victor Vroom, according to which expectancy relates to the belief that a particular action will be followed by a desired outcome. (Karwowski, 2006; Furnham 1997). This underlying aspect conditions an employee’s motivation on the job. Porter and Lawler (1967) extended this expectancy concept to the relationship bet ween individual motivation, work performance and job satisfaction.On the basis of individual expectancy, or the belief that a particular action will be followed by a desired outcome, Porter and Lawler (1967) define job satisfaction as a uni dimensional construct. i.e, one is generally satisfied or dissatisfied with one’s job. Their formulation of task motivation within an organizational set up incorporates only intrinsic factors and they observe that the accomplishment of a job relates task can be rewarding for an individual irrespective of any external rewards that are provided.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Construction sector of India is an integral part of the economy

Construction sector of India is an integral part of the economy Introduction Construction sector of India is an integral part of the economy and is progressing on account of urbanization, industrialization, economic development and peoples soaring expectations for improved quality of living. Between 2004-05 and 2008-09 average real growth has been an impressive 12.28% year-on-year (y-o-y), which reflects the countrys immense need for continued investment in transport infrastructure, electricity generating capacity and housing, as well as the build-up of industrial capacity (BMI, 2010). Segmentation of Construction Industry The Indian Construction Industry can be divided into residential segment generating 85.8% of the total revenues and the non-residential building segment that generates 14.2% of the industrys value (Data Monitor, May 2009). (APPENDIX 1) Real Estate à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Corporate à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Industrial à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Residential à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Commercial (APPENDIX 2) Infrastructure à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Roads à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Urban infrastructure à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Railways à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Airport Porters Five Forces Threat of New Entrants Bargaining Power of Suppliers Bargaining Power of Customers Competitive Rivalry within the Industry Threat of Substitutes Bargaining Power of Suppliers Indian construction industry consists of two categories of suppliers, those providing construction materials and those who provide constructional services like electrical installation In India there are many small players in the construction material manufacturing industry, which weakens the supplier power (Data Monitor, May 2009). The subcontractors who provide constructional services are in a weak position due to the existence of many small operators. Overall, supplier power in this industry is moderate. Bargaining Power of Buyers Buyers in this industry are few and large such as government agencies or other major organizations, rather than individuals. The presence of low costs along with the strong price sensitivity of demand strengthens buyer power in the industry. Also the buyers are rarely capable of integrating backwards and take over the practicalities of the project themselves thereby proving that the buyer power in this industry is moderate (IICCI, 2008). Threat to New Entrants The governments recent liberalization of the rules governing foreign companies entering the Indian industry has boosted the entry of new players. Since a very small amount of capital is adequate to enter this industry and the contractors can reduce their costs by renting rather than buying equipment, the labor market is extremely elastic. Overall, the threat of new entrants to the industry is strong. Threat of Substitutes The threat of substitutes in this industry is very weak as it is unlikely that any alternative expenditure would be satisfactory for a buyer even if he has the requisite funds for a new construction project. Even if buyers have the option of renovating an existing structure rather than investing in a new construction, players in the construction and engineering industry remain likely to be involved. Competitive Rivalry within the Industry The atmosphere of a secure growth within the Indian construction industry eases rivalry by creating space for expansion. The low capital cost of market entry translates into low sunk costs reducing the exit barriers. Thus the rivalry is considered to be moderate (Data Monitor, May 2009). Key Players in Construction Industry Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) is one of the largest and most respected technology, engineering, construction and manufacturing companies of India. Jaiprakash Associates Jaiprakash Associates Limited principally provides civil engineering and construction services primarily in India. They earned a revenue of about 65000 US $ in the year 2010. (Business Wire, November 2006) Hindustan Construction Company HCC is one of the leading construction companies of India having built several landmark projects in Indias Hydro Power and water resources sector (Sandeep Sawant, Sept. 2007). Gammon India It is the only Indian Construction Company to have been accredited with ISO 9001 certification for all fields of Civil Engineering Works. Gammon employs expertise who has proved their innovative skills in India and abroad PESTLE Analysis of Construction Industry Source: Political Factors SEZ Act Special Economic Zone is the new target for real estate investors. As of date there are 105 approved SEZs in India (General Knowledge Today, Feb 2010). Laws governing these zones are more liberal in nature than the centralized laws and enhance a countrys technology growth, infrastructure and economic development. FDI Liberalisation The government of India has permitted a Foreign Direct Investment of 100 % for development of townships in India. India is now 2nd most preferred country for FDI after China. Opening of FDI in construction and allowing developers to raise capital in international markets has led to development of larger projects (Mohit Saraf, July 2009). Impact of REITs The introduction of Real Estate Mutual fund (REMF) and Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) has boosted real estate investments from the small investors aspect. Economic Factors Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Growth India is witnessing tremendous growth and expansion of construction activities and construction is the largest component of GDP. It has been growing at a rate over 10 % in the past few years when GDP was around 8% (Farook Azam, 2010). (APPENDIX 3) Source: IHS Global Insight Change in Demand Changes in the demand due to factors like changes in disposable income of perspective buyers and inflation may affect the construction industry. With the easy availability of housing loans and tax redemption on loans the demand for houses is increasing and thus construction is gaining weight. Fluctuations in Prices of Inputs Many builders tend to stop work when the prices of inputs like cement, iron etc go up and wait till the prices come down. This leads to unnecessary delay in the work and the cost of wasting time would actually be more than the increase in price (Arghadeep Laskar and C. V. R. Murty, 2003). Social Factors Goodwill of the Company Brand name of a builder or the company plays an important role in convincing the buyer to buy the house and be sure of the quality of construction work done. A low credibility or image can lead to poor financial performance. Green Buildings A green building is one which uses less water, optimises energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less waste and provides healthier spaces for occupants, as compared to conventional building (India Today, Vol. 34, Issues 1-8). The estimated market potential for green building was about $ 400 million in 2010 and is increasing continuously. Technological Factors Upgrading of Technology Use of low grade technology in the construction sector leads to low value addition and low productivity apart from sub standard quality of construction and time over runs in projects. Due to lack of technology, construction can suffer in terms of quality and design. Source: Ready Mix Concrete The business of ready mix concrete in India is in its infancy. Indian ready mix concrete business uses only 2% of the total cement production. The increasing use of ready mix saves time and allows better quality too. Legal Factors The National Housing Policy NHP (1998) was formulated to address the issue of sustainable development of infrastructure. The Government helps to provide fiscal concession to carry out legal and regulatory reforms and create and enabling environment for the construction industry (P.R. Swarup, Director General, Construction Industry Development Council, India). Environmental Factors Uncertain Calamities Uncertain environmental hazards like earthquakes, floods etc. have a disastrous impact on the construction industry and can delay construction as well. This has been witnessed during the construction of the Metro line in the capital of India, New Delhi where one of the railway lines being constructed collapsed due to heavy rainfall and delayed the total completion time of metro. Structural Drivers of Change Globalization After the policy of globalization being introduced in 1990s, the private companies started being more aware about construction products and there was inflow of construction based knowledge and technology from other countries to ours changing thinking towards the whole construction scenario. Import and export procedures, customs and excise laws and ease in operations of foreign accounts minimized controls on industry and rapid growth took place. Due to simplified single window clearance import export procedures became easier thereby allowing Indian construction Industry to compete in overseas market (Accommodation Times, 2009). Technological Developments A key driver of transformation for the Indian construction industry is technological change. Global telephony, satellite communications and video links are now widely available (Shakantu, 2000). Information and communication technology (ICT) is significantly influencing technological change (CIRIA, DTER, 1999). Simulations of entire construction processes and systems can be developed to determine the optimal approach to achieving desired performance (Shakantu, 2000; Fisher, 1993; Coyle, 1996). Changes in Government Policy The government policies helped in boosting the real estate sector by substantial cutting interest rates and facilitating greater ease in credit. Recent excise duty cuts on cement and steel also reduced the construction costs. These recent government initiatives increased liquidity in the market and brought down the interest rates to a more realistic level. Life Cycle of Construction Industry The Indian construction industry is in its growth stage growing at over 20% over the past 5 years. It has witnessed a revolution, driven by the booming economy, favorable demographics and liberalized foreign direct investment (FDI) regime (World Market Intelligence, March 2010). We can say that the sector has been performing quite well over the past decade. Despite the depressing global scenario, the Indian market was protected from the effects, as the economy as was more robust than its counterparts. The pace of private construction slowed down but remained positive. With the growing capital inflow within India and from abroad the demand for infrastructure is likely to increase. The Indian government has been a major investor in this sector in order to stimulate the development of construction industry to the requisite level required to achieve the next growth target. (K.V.S.S., Narayana Rao, 2009). Although steady progress through the construction industry is not inevitable, the life cycle concept does none the less remind construction companies that conditions will change over time. ( Johnson, Scholes Whittington, 2008) (APPENDIX 4) In 2013, the Indian construction and engineering industry is forecast to have a value of $55.3 billion, an increase of 44% since 2008. Future Scenarios for Construction Industry Scenario 1 New Equipment, Technology and Materials Involvement of Indian consultants in international projects has led to blend of new materials, equipment and technologies in the construction practices of India. Very soon the growing demand for such advanced equipment will force the builders to manufacture these as well. The government has also taken some remarkable initiatives to ensure that its basic infrastructural structure is more efficient and world-class. Therefore billions were spent on constructing bridges, roads, railway transportation, power infrastructure etc. Construction equipments especially earth moving equipment sector has benefited the most from these developments and is poised to grow at double digit CAGR by FY 2014 (Free Press Release, 2010). It is expected that during 2007-2015, the potential investment for new equipments and materials will be around US$ 750 Billion. Scenario 2 Employment Opportunities India with its high potential untapped market attributes has become a favourite destination for global construction equipments companies. There will be demand for over 24.3 million new dwellings for self-living in urban India alone by 2015 (Housing Skyline of India 2007-08) Considering governments projects lined up for the Eleventh Plan period, the demand for construction is expected to grow by at least 8-9%, and 2.5 million employment opportunities per annum are expected to be generated ( BMI, 2011).Thus those who are looking for opportunities in this sector would be rewarded with accelerated learning and fast progress. Construction Industry has created a need for the full spectrum of employees varying from professionals like civil and mechanical engineers and architects to daily basis wage construction workers and industrial workers such as steel and cement manufacturers to highway toll booth operators. Thus it is advisable to join a leading Indian Construction Company, or a multi-national present in India even from a beginners level as there is large scope for training and rapid upward movement through the ranks for talented individuals. Scenario 3 Changing Indian Economy The changing economy is placing increasing pressure on Indias physical infrastructure, not only from population growth and developing economic activities, but also structural changes in the economy. Indias economy now clearly reflects a steady decline of primary sectors, such as agriculture, forestry, and fishing, giving more importance to the non primary sectors such as service and manufacturing industry. But it is predicted that growth in construction spending in the longer term is likely to be enormous, driven by a rising population and a growing middle class. Since 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) is now allowed in construction, it now allows significant inflows of capital to meet growing demand from the increasing middle class. Indias population growth rates remain well above replacement level and the number of people living in urban areas is likely to grow significantly (BMI, 2011). ( APPENDIX 5) Conclusion Though all these scenarios are linked together and their inter relationships can produce long and complex results, growing population is the key driver of success of the construction industry. (Johnson , Scholes Whittington, 2008) According to me the second scenario is the most influencing scenario as it is directly linked to Indias growing population which is an unstable factor growing at a fast rate and directly linked with the success of the construction industry. Bibliography India Netzone, (2008), Nature of Construction Industry, Available at: [Accessed 15 March 11] Indo Italian Chamber of Commerce Industry (2008), Overview of the Construction Industry in India , Opportunities, Available at:, [Accessed 15 March 11] Info Shine (2008),  Construction Real Estate Available at:, [Accessed 15 March 11] Research Markets (2006), Indian Construction Industry: An Analysis., Description, Available at: =335655t =dcat _id=,[Accessed 15 March 11] Credit Analysis Research, (2010), Indian Construction Industry, Available at:, [Accessed 15 March 11]. Farook Azam (2010), Institute of Industrial Engineers, The Construction Industry in India , Available at , [Accessed 15 March 11]. CBS Interactive Business Network (2006), The Indian Construction Industry, Available at: content; col1, [Accessed 15 March 11] Law is Greek, (2010), An Overview: Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India, Available at:, [Accessed 15 March 11] Johnson, Scholes Whittington (2008), Industry Life Cycle, Exploring Corporate Strategy, 8th Edition, Pg 68-69 [Accessed 16 March 11] Accommodation Times, (2009),  Globalization of Construction Industry Available at:, [Accessed 16 March 11]. World Market Intelligence, (2010) , Future of Construction In India, Available at:, [Accessed 16 March 11] Moht Saraf (2009), Real Estate, Indias Real Estate Sector: An Overvie, Available at: [Accessed 16 March 11] K.V.S.S., Narayana Rao, (2009) Industry Analysis Valuation, Infrastructure INDIA Version 14, Available from:, [Accessed 16 March 11] Hindustan Construction Company India (2007), HCC: About HCC, Available at:, [Accessed 16 March 11] Arghadeep Laskar and C. V. R. Murty (2005), Challenges before Construction Industry in India, New Materials, Equipments Technologies, Available at:, [Accessed 16 March 11] Free Press Release (2010), Indian Earth Moving Equipments Industry to Boom in Near Future Available at:, [Accessed 16 March 11] Business Monitor International (2011), Industry Forecast Scenario, Available at:, [Accessed 16 March 11] APPENDIX Appendix 1 Source: IHS Global Insight Appendix 2 Source: IHS Global Insight Appendix 3 Source: IHS Global Insight Appendix 4 Indian Construction Industry Value Forecast Source: Data Monitor

Friday, October 25, 2019

Japan :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Japan Slide Program Report Japan is a very small country, approximately 144,000 square miles (smaller than California), and is inhabited by a considerably large population of over 120 million people (half the United States!) This makes Japan the seventh most populous nation in the world. Japan is located at the far west side of the north pacific ocean, and consists of more than 4,000 islands! However, the Japanese people live on less than 10 percent of this land mass due to rough, mountainous, volcanic terrain, which make up a substantial 70 percent. One of the most famous and symbolic volcano’s is Mt. Fuji. Among these many islands, only four are commonly known, including Hakkaido (northern-most, considered to be Japan’s â€Å"frontier†), Shikoku (the smallest of the four), Kyushu (most southern), and Honshu ( the largest and most populated.) Japan’s capital city is Tokyo, which is also one of the world’s largest cities. It consists of 12 million people! Tokyo became the imperial capital in 1868, with the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the end of the feudal period. And of course, it is home to the Imperial palace. The chrysanthemum flower is the symbol of the imperial family. Japan is an extremely modern civilization. After World War 2, much of Japan was destroyed, so in the rebuilding process of the nation, they were able to impose the very latest in technology, making them an â€Å"economic superpower† today. Their Gross National Product is so successful in fact, that it has nearly surpassed ours here in the United States! And is ranked second in the world. One of my favorite things in their very technologically-advanced society are the â€Å"bullet trains†, which are able to carry many people at speeds of up to 130 mph! They are safe, reliable, immaculately clean, and on time to the very second...How efficient! Another is their very modern system of parking in the thriving city of Sapporo, in which cars are lifted and rearranged in order to take full advantage of every last inch of precious space in crowded Japan. Despite this modernization, Japan is also very determined to maintain it’s highly distinctive (and lovely) tradition. In an attempt to keep the country culturally isolated from the surrounding world, like it is physically, the ancient Japanese invented their very own unique culture including beautiful (and very expensive) kimono’s for the women, and sumo- wrestling for the men, just to name a few.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Case against Tipping

There are many good reasons on why you should tip a waiter. Anyone who has had much experience in a restaurant franchise would know that most of your wages are tips. The places do this in order to promote better service and to save money by not having to pay the employee minimum wages. This can be beneficial to the customer leaving a good tip can give a customer better results with the service. They may get a kinder person, faster service, and hotter and fresher food or drinks. They also can leave with the knowledge that they made the person feel better about their job, and the fact that they may make their days wages. On the bad side of tipping The people usually don’t even make minimum wage. They have to rely on the customer in order to make a pay check. This may make the customer fell like their being scammed out of their money, because the person serving them isn’t working for them so why should they have to pay the persons wages. Another con is the tip your giving may be as much as the stuff you bought or possibly even more. Some places coffee is just a dollar and with a dollar tip that would set the price as the same as what the person bought. Another problem is that they may have a cup set out in order to make the customer feel bad about not tipping. What if you don’t have enough for a tip at the time? You feel you have to because it’s set right there in front of you playing a mental game. OR what if they give you bad service why should you tip for that? What reasons do you find most compelling? The reasons I find most compelling are the fact that restaurants in particular push their waiters/waitresses into the customer’s hands. I am one that believes that the people should get paid regular wages and have their tips be a bonus for good work. Not have the customers foot the wages for them so they can be greedy and put more money in their pockets. Another reason that I find compelling on the other side is the fact that sense the customer does it helps them get better service. I do get understand the sense of gratification of the person that tips and receives it does make them feel better about their jobs. But at the same time people shouldn’t feel obligated to tip for bad service. Which concerns have particular merit? I think that the tip jar situation does have merit. If a person set a jar out for tips it is a trap that messes with the customers mind. I would personally feel bad if I looked at the tip jar and didn’t have enough money to pay or if I got bad service I’d feel like I was being forced to pay for that bad service. Also The fact that the employees have to make their wages off of the tips poses a lot of merit. Essentially on one hand I’m paying for a worker that isn’t employed by me. On the other hand that worker has to make their wages. Can you balance the interests of both sides of the issue?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Leadership on The Line Essay

Recognizing the evolving definition and requirements of leadership, Heifetz Ronald and Linsky (2002) highlight the need for leaders to consider the skills and perspective to ensure their effectiveness. Leadership, as illustrated in Leadership on The Line–Staying alive through the Dangers of Leading? requires not only the accomplishment of goals but also the ability to respond effectively to the human realities of working in an organization. The books three parts provide steps in recognizing leadership challenges, developing responses and interventions and what competencies leaders must develop professionally and personally. Marginalization, diversion, attack and seduction are identified as the main sources of resistance to leaders. At the same time, the authors also pay particular attention to the dangers within the leadership characterized as hunger for power and control and the difficulties in self-monitoring. The authors want to communicate to readers that there is a need for leaders to purse the development of their leadership skills. Despite the use of figurative characterizations in the book, the authors are practical and pragmatic in their discussion. The examples given, particularly in the Response section of the book is based on real life examples. Examples which the readers can easily relate directly to or parallel to their own experience. The authors point out that the sources of resistance are natural to any leadership scenario and therefore can not be fully stopped and in fact, can also be safeguard against ineffective leadership However, they have to control through resistance-response skills which in turn allows leaders to function as they are needed. Critique There is no doubt that leadership is a difficult challenge. Thus, there has been no limitation of the number of literature that aim to develop strategies and competencies for it. Unlike most literature in its genre that focuses on the development of attributes for effective leadership to become a leader, Ronald and Linsky discuss the development of leadership when one already holds office. The authors aim to provide a literature or guide to leaders who are already experiencing challenges in their roles due to a change in working scenarios or relationships. From the perspective of Heifetz and Linsky, what has become more critical for leaders to day has been the ability to go beyond their functions and respond to other people and at the same time eliciting a response from them. Thus, beyond achieving goals set members, of the organization must understand why these goals are being pursued, that â€Å"people need to know that the stakes are worth it† (p. 94). At the same time, Heifetz and Linsky state that before any action can be take to address threats to effective leadership, leaders must be able to understand the â€Å"heart† of the issues before recognizing the actions, indications or â€Å"faces† determining the threats. The main message of the book is the need for leaders not just to be competent, sensitive or responsive. They also must understand the their motivations for being so, the perspectives that can be taken, the methods that can be most effective and the implications of any perspective, opinion or action to be taken. Empathizing with the natural isolation of being the top man of an organization: there should be an acceptance that there will be member of the organization who would â€Å"undermine the clarity of his vision, delay his progress, and divert him from his core purposes† (p. 76). Thus, leaders while being advocated to be sensitive to their organization have to balance this with their resolve to accomplish organization goals. Leaders should be then prepared to be questioned, doubted and even maligned for their decisions. Heifetz and Linsky reflect that leaders often view these are criticisms to their professional and personal capacity but they should also understand that these reactions, even when they are deliberate and malicious, occur as part of the dynamics leading and organizations. Reading the book, one of the most unique ideas that Heifetz and Linsky present, absent from most of the leadership literature that I have read, is the concept of pain and leadership. The authors’ views are ones that one can easily agree and even commiserate to. The recognition of the fact that effective leadership has its pains and not just costs, both to the leader and the organization, is a perspective that makes the work effective and truly emphatic to the challenges of leadership. The view that leadership challenges, or resistance, is an ever present element in any organization does not discourage readers but actually motivates them to deal with them rather than trying to circumvent them. However, it should also be recognized that some of the examples or ideas presented may require significant experience to be understood comprehensively. This is a particular challenge in the last section of the book where the authors delineate the introspective requirements for leaders. Nonetheless, the book provides critical insights to the realities of leadership and not just what it should be. More importantly, it is effective in motivating readers view leadership as continuing process of development and that there is a need to actively pursue effectiveness. Reference Heifetz, Ronald A. and Linsky, Marty (2002). Leadership on The Line–Staying alive through the Dangers of Leading, 1st Edition. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.